A friend recently asked me to clarify the name of my blog. What the heck is a blue twin? (Whisper) Was I somehow damaged because of a lack of oxygen??
No, nothing like THAT.Essentially, I was and am just that- the blue twin. One of a set of carefully and chromatically coordinated identical beings, I was given a color of my very own so other people would know which one I was. Family-type people. People like my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, cousins. Seriously. Color-coding us made it easy for people and that's fine - some people hear "identical twin" and they assume that determining which name goes which face is enormously difficult. Ok, which it was when we were small. Honestly, there are photos of us where I have NO CLUE which one I am. I know I am one of those babies, but there aren't enough distinguishing features to be certain of my identity. It's a bizarre feeling, let me tell you. However, as we got older and ditched our red and blue everythings, people got annoyed when we weren't in our shorthand hues. "Which one are you?" is a question I would hear way too flippin' often. Do the work, people!! Figure it out!!
I loved all things blue when I was younger, rejected it strenuously when I wanted to establish my own, non-twin identity, and came back to it as an adult. I now drive a blue (hybrid) car, type in my blue study and drink tea out of my favorite blue mug. It started out as an imposed visual aid, but I am now blue by choice. And Red? She's still red. I guess it stuck.
As a twin, I beg of you to consider the following should you ever have your own set:- Do NOT name them things that rhyme, i.e. Shauna and Donna or Donald and Ronald. Come on, it's cruel!
- If you must name them the same first initial, make the names sufficiently different, i.e. Stephanie and Samaire, Sigmund and Steve.
- Color code 'em! I know twins who were brown and green, purple and yellow. It makes it easier on a lot of people. Just make people figure out how to tell their faces apart!
- NEVER give them anything to share. Insta broken bits.
- Remember they are individuals. In possibly identical bodies.
Labels: Blue Twin Explained
At 7:05 PM, Rdcalow said…
Dear Blue Twin
Yes! I have similar stories.. hmm..:)which one are you??
Yes, I still enjoy red hues, my library is russet, my carpet in my bedroom is burgundy and I have slightly more than a lot of red hued clothes.. I never really got away from the colour family BUT I am finally thinking that other colours are ok.. like green. Evolution? Who knows.
Great posts.. please people.. all you lurking twin types.. share!
At 7:45 PM, Mrs. Chili said…
My beloved is a twin. His family assigned red and blue, too, and he's red. Still is, I guess - he bought a red car (that's now sitting sadly in our yard) and he's got several red jackets.
He and his brother were fairly famous in their hometown. Their parents were (are) very active in the community and, well, they're red-heads, which earns a lot of attention all on its own.
What's freaky is that the "which one are you" thing doesn't just happen to THEM - it happens to ME! Since we live one town over from where Husband grew up, it happens quite a lot more often than you might think.
Example? I was working the university road race on homecoming day, registering runners and working with another volunteer who happened to be an older gentleman who's lived in the town for a good many years. When I introduced myself, he recognized my last name.
"Any relation to A & D?" he asked me.
"YES!" I said, "they're my in-laws."
"Oh! Really? Which twin did YOU marry?"
I kid you not...
At 7:08 AM, organic mama said…
See? It does affect life's color choices, this initial color-coding! Mrs. Chili - is your beloved's twin blue at all?
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