This past Friday I received a fat envelope from the citizenship-processing centre (notice the Canadian spelling?) in
My kids were born in the
"Are you certain, Madame, that you have nothing to show that these are your daughters?" asked the exceedingly polite immigration officer.
Chagrined and flabbergasted, I simply shook my head. I offered to call my genealogist father and have their birth certificates faxed to them within minutes, but he politely declined. I had had my daughters' birth certificates in my car but had cleaned them out in some frenzy months before. The nice official did let us in that day, with strict instructions to never show up without proper ID again. As I drove off squirming, my eldest said, “I can’t believe you didn’t have ID for us!!!"
That folks, was what I call a moron manoevre.
So back to the envelope: the thing was galvanized with fibre tape - impenetrable! and required me to hack it open from the front with a pair of scissors. Inside I found official documents and TA DA... the identity cards that proclaim, finally, my kids' dual identities. But then I notice that they bollixed it up!! They put the WRONG face on the wrong card!! These cards were as useful as tits on the proverbial bull. Did the officials fail to notice the careful labeling on the backs of the photos? Perhaps they decided they didn’t agree with the way I named my daughters - perhaps my matching of names and faces offended their aesthetic sense and they corrected the problem? I am an identical twin, so I am used to having my face confused for my sister’s. These kids, however, do not look that much alike; people have actually inquired whether they have the same father!
At 8:49 AM, Mrs. Chili said…
Heh. Like I said when you told me the story, you're dealing with bureaucracy. Not only did they not NOTICE the careful labeling of the girls' pictures, they didn't CARE.
Good you figured this out before you tried to smuggle them back into Canada, huh?
At 3:15 PM, organic mama said…
I know!! I am certain my license plate has a subhead under it in their files as "Terrible mother - make sure she can preove her kids are hers before allowing into the country!!"
Not only will they be ID'd for Canadian officials, who now REQUIRE passports (next on the list) or citizenship papers by anyone entering, but we will soon have American passports for them as well.
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